Dave King
Why Rotary can’t turn a blind eye to domestic abuse
Imagine you are in an abusive relationship. It doesn’t have to be physical violence, it could be coercive, financial or psychological abuse which is endured regularly.
Imagine that right now, this instant, you have decided enough is enough and you want to leave your partner.
In your mind, draw up a list of reasons why you would leave this abusive relationship. And then counter-balance that with a list of reasons which would compel you to stay in that toxic environment.
At first glance, the desire to leave and start afresh is compelling. It’s the only way to break the chain of abuse, ending painful years of physical and psychological abuse. Walking out of the family home could also bring the perpetrator to justice.
But then, when you consider what you stand to lose by walking out of the door, the list is longer. There are financial and security considerations; where will you live and how long for? There are possibly children to take into account, work issues, and what will your family and friends think? There is also the fear of being alone.
“One in five crimes in Kent are related to domestic abuse and, alarmingly, 37% of suicides have a domestic abuse background.”
During a domestic abuse training session for Magistrates a while ago, we did this exercise and were surprised to discover that when you properly think about the fall-out, fleeing a volatile home environment is not so easy.
The training exercise explained why many domestic violence cases listed in court (they are known as DV cases) are withdrawn because the alleged victim will not give evidence against their partner.
In this month’s issue of Rotary Magazine, we hear from Nicky Alberry from Swindon Rotary Club who is heading up the Domestic Abuse and Domestic Violence Against the Person Team charged with raising awareness of this delicate issue in our Rotary communities.
Nicky was my sponsor into Rotary. During her year as High Sheriff of Wiltshire, she used the platform to encourage discussion and support around this ever-increasing problem. It coincided with focussing on her own charity, the Swindon Domestic Abuse Support Service, which has received incredibly backing from Swindon Rotary Club. In one year from the club’s annual charity ball, the Rotarians donated £40,000 to furnish the town’s refuge.
I am mindful I wrote at length last month singing the praises of my first Rotary club, but the way the Swindon Rotarians have engaged, supporting those in the community dealing with domestic abuse, is a standard for us all. From raising money and providing direct support to the refuge, as well as taking shifts in the charity shop, to promoting awareness and supporting White Ribbon Day.
In November’s issue of Rotary Digital, we will be turning the spotlight on another beacon Rotary club which has placed domestic abuse high on its agenda. Pat Jeffery, once a victim of domestic abuse herself from Maidstone Dawn Patrol Rotary Club, talks about the meaningful steps they have taken in Kent to work closely with the police, council, social services and other support groups.
The statistics are stark:
In one year in Kent, the number of women who made calls to the police for domestic abuse incidents was 40,000. A further 18,000 men also made calls. When police visited, 31,000 children were caught up in the abuse. One in five crimes in Kent are related to domestic abuse and, alarmingly, 37% of suicides have a domestic abuse background.
Nationally, two women die from domestic abuse each week.
It’s for these reasons alone that domestic abuse is a delicate issue which Rotary cannot turn a blind eye to.