A painting of the Virgin Mary holding a baby Jesus is painted decoratively on a scorched wooden board.

World-renowned Icons on ​Ammunition Boxes to be displayed ​at Rotary Action Summit

story by: JAMES BOLTON

Icons on Ammunition Boxes is a conceptual project by two Ukrainian artists, ​which first launched in 2014 following the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine and ​Crimea.

Religious icons have been painted onto real wooden ammunition boxes, all of ​which have been used in the conflict zones within and surrounding Ukraine.

The artists behind the works are Sofiia Atlantova and Oleksandr Klymenko, both ​of whom live and work in Kyiv.

A painting of the Jesus is painted decoratively on a scorched wooden board.

Each of the 16 boxes feature a religious icon, along with explanation of where the ammunition box ​was ​originally sourced.

The conflict acts as the canvas for the work, with many of the boxes recovered ​from the frontline by medical volunteers.

For both artists, bringing the stark reality of war into the work was vital, ​juxtaposing it with the importance of faith and peace.

Speaking to Church Times in 2023, Atlantova said: “For many (those who are far ​from the front line), the war unwittingly turns into a picture in the news. The ​boxes that came from the war zone are witnesses of real battles, each of them ​fought.”

“Also, for me personally, writing an icon on the ammo boxes is a kind of act of ​awareness of what is happening and, at the same time, a reminder to myself that ​faith, mercy, beauty, and humanity continue to exist despite everything.”


A painting of a Saint is painted decoratively on a scorched wooden board.

For the artists Sofiia Atlantova and Oleksandr Klymenko, the work speaks to the idea of maintaining ​hope and faith in the darkest of circumstances.

The icons have been displayed across the UK at the likes of Guildford Cathedral ​and the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral, as well as more than 20 countries around ​the world, from the EU Parliament to Wallace Hall in New York City.

Exhibitions have been a joint project with Guildford Chantries and Kyiv Capital ​Rotary clubs, working with Ukrainian environmental charity Peli can live. The ​project is also supported by Hope4Creation and British-Ukrainian Aid.

The icons are now back in the UK and will be on display at the Rotary Action ​Summit in Newcastle (8th – 10th November), either side of showcases in ​Edinburgh, Newcastle Cathedral and the Houses of Parliament in London.

Yana Bobrova, a member of Kyiv-Capital Rotary, will take to the stage on ​Friday 8th November during the Power of Rotary day, to talk more about ​the project.

All the icons are for sale, with over £200,000 being raised so far, which has been ​used to purchase medical equipment and vehicles which are saving lives of ​civilians and soldiers on the frontline.

Book tickets to the Rotary Action Summit in Newcastle at: ​rotarygbi.org/newcastle24

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