All our members are people of action, here are just some of the projects from around Great Britain & Ireland
Helping Ireland
achieve net zero
Story By Donal Magner, Rotary Ireland Environment Team Lead
Transitioning to a net-zero world is regarded by the United Nations as one of the greatest challenges facing humankind.
To keep global warming to no more than 1.5°C, emissions of greenhouse gasses (GHG) need to be reduced to net zero by 2050. This is one of the reasons Rotary International added the environment as an area of focus in 2020.
This was an important step by Rotary, but areas such as climate change have featured prominently in its programme for several years. For example, Rotary International had allocated more than $18 million in Foundation global grant funding to environment related projects during the five years up to 2020.
When I was appointed Rotary Ireland’s Environment Team Lead in 2021, our clubs had been involved in environment projects for years mainly at community level. One of the projects I wished Rotary to support was an Environment Award at a national level aimed at third level colleges throughout Ireland – north and south.
My own area of interest is forestry and related sectors such as wood in sustainable construction and design, so I looked at Ireland's Climate Action Plan (ICAP) to see how forestry and wood fares in the plan.
ICAP outlines a major role for forestry in helping Ireland to halve “greenhouse gas emissions by the end of the decade” and become “carbon neutral by 2050”.
ICAP acknowledges afforestation as “one of the largest land-based, long-term climate change mitigation measures available to Ireland”. It also advocates using wood and wood-based products for construction as a sustainable substitute for conventional carbon-heavy construction products, such as concrete, brick and steel.
With this in mind, we approached several colleges in 2021 to gauge interest in a forestry and wood-related environment award aimed at students and their lecturers. Five third level colleges agreed to take part in a pilot award which was supported by the Rotary clubs of Wicklow and Dublin-Fingal, Rotary Ireland and the Forest Service in Ireland's Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.
Five colleges entered the inaugural competition, titled “Rotary Ireland Student Environment Award 2022 – Achieving Net Zero with Forests and Wood”. The awards were presented at a gala even in Farmleigh House, Dublin in November 2022 along with the national Wood Awards Ireland.
At the Rotary Ireland Environment Awards (RIA) 2022 Awards Ceremony in Farmleigh House, Dublin: Joseph Little, head of building performance TU Dublin, David Cash, TUD winner of RIA on behalf of fellow students, Laura O'Toole, TUD, Katerina Jurkevica TUD, Donal Magner, Environment Lead Rotary Ireland, Sean Nolan, ATU, Aidan Ryan, lead lecturer, TUD and Ciaran O'Connor, State Architect.
The winning project went to a group entry by 19 Technological University of Dublin students for designing and constructing 12 seats in the Devil's Glen Forest in honour of the Irish poet and Nobel Prize winner, Seamus Heaney.
Ciaran O'Connor, State Architect said in his citation: "This is a great example of improving the environment, facilitating access to nature, and enhancing student learning on their ability to impact the environment in their choice of materials."
The project was a collaboration between Rotary, Coillte The Irish Forestry Board who manage the forest, local community, Pat Staunton Sawmill and the Heaney family.
Luke O'Connor, Atlantic Technological University was joint runner-up for his guide to estimate the carbon footprint of furniture using life cycle assessment. He shared the award with Laura O'Toole for her project focused on timber in construction to reduce environmental impact. There were also commendations for students from the University of Limerick and University College Dublin.
The 2024 award awards were rolled out to 20 third level colleges last November to encourage third level students to submit projects on how woodlands, forests and wood products can contribute to achieving net zero or carbon neutrality.
Rotary Ireland District Governor Sean Fitzgerald presents the Rotary Ireland Award to David Cash TU Dublin who accepted the award on behalf of his fellow 19 students.
While the pilot scheme concentrated on architectural and forestry students, the 2024 awards is designed to attract students from a wider range of disciplines including, ecology, engineering, science, horticulture, design, agriculture, land management, bioenergy, product development, wood working and landscape architecture.
The challenge is to research and submit a project on any element of forestry from the forest ecosystem to sustainable wood products with the aim of contributing to net zero by 2050.
Projects can explore the interaction between forestry and other land uses including agriculture, while outside the forest, there are opportunities to feature innovative wood in design and decarbonisation.
An independent judging panel, comprising architects, foresters, engineers and ecologists is currently assessing the 26-strong longlist to produce a shortlist of approximately nine who were due to be announced at the Rotary Ireland Conference in Dún Laoghaire in September.
The prize fund is €4,000 (£3,400), Rotary Ireland award medal and certificates of merit for commended projects. A selection of students' works will also be featured alongside works of Ireland's leading architects and designer at an exhibition in the nearby Lexcicon Library.