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rotarian’s peace ​prize at eisteddfod

story by: dave king

An estate agent from Nantwich in Cheshire who has been providing ​humanitarian aid to people in Ukraine has won the Llangollen International ​Musical Eisteddfod Peace Award.

Since 2022, Gary Fears, who is a member of the Rotary District 1180 Passport ​Club, has been undertaking mammoth journeys to Lviv in western Ukraine with ​supplies to displaced Ukrainians by visiting refugee centres around the city.

He has made numerous trips to Ukraine facing shelling, air raid sirens and sub-​zero temperatures to deliver food. He has even reunited families along the way. ​On the first visit, Gary delivered 12 shopping trollies full of food and supplies to ​displaced Ukrainians.

Gary’s work was honoured at the Eisteddfod at Llangollen in North Wales for an ​award presented by Rotary District 1180, which covers North Wales and North-​West England.

The trophy is sponsored by John Clifford from Westminster Stone Co Ltd, ​suppliers of paving and stone flooring solutions. It also came with a monetary ​award towards the winner’s charitable work.

The main intent of the Eisteddfod is to promote peace through international ​music and dance. It brings together peoples from around the world and includes ​conflict regions and countries. The ideals of the Eisteddfod and peace resonate ​well with Rotary’s peace Area of Focus so the idea of the annual peace award and ​the partnership with the Eisteddfod was born.

“the main intent of the eisteddfod is to ​promote peace through international ​music and dance.”

District Governor Beth Murray took to the stage at the Eisteddfod to talk briefly ​about Rotary and peace as a Rotary Area of Focus. She then introduced John ​Clifford who presented the trophy to Rotarian Nick Gidney.

Gary was unable to receive the trophy in person due to another prearranged ​commitment so it was received on his behalf by Nick Gidney from the District ​1180 who nominated Gary for his inspiring work.

In his address, Gary thanked Rotary clubs for supporting his work, pointing out ​that word has spread quickly.

He said: “So far, since the war in the Ukraine started, I’ve travelled over there ​eight times and have a ninth visit booked for September.

“In those eight trips, I have spent £78,000 on food and four generators. I’ve ​travelled over 30,000 miles, packed nearly 4,000 bags of food, totalling nearly 24 ​tonnes and managed to put some smiles on some faces.

“I’ve had some scary moments on the trips, with the most recent one being in a ​village that was hit by artillery rounds as we were there handing out food. I’ve ​travelled along roads with minefields either side and had to drive at a crazy ​speed on one occasion to avoid the risk of being shot at!

three people standing in front of a building holding an award

Gary was unable to receive the award at the Eisteddfod, so it was later presented at his place of work. ​(L-R) John Clifford, Gary Fear holding the boxed trophy and Beth Murray

Everything that I’ve managed to do has only been possible because of the ​generosity of people and organisations which have donated money to help. ​Some people have been incredibly generous on more than one occasion but, ​whether it’s been a fiver, a tenner or five hundred or a thousand pounds, it’s ​been invaluable.

“I’ve pledged to keep going to help the Ukrainian people until the war is over and ​I can only do that with continued support. Awards such as this raise the profile of ​what I’m doing and I’m very grateful and very honoured.

“I’d like to say a huge thank you to Rotary for all the assistance, donations, ​support and publicity you have generated for me.”

The award was later presented to Gary in person by John Clifford and District ​Governor Beth Murray at his place of work in Nantwich, Cheshire.

Sponsor John Clifford said: “It was so difficult to select just one winner from the ​nominations, because they were all doing great work for communities but Gary ​just edged it and is a worthy winner of this year’s Peace Award.”

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