In Read All About It, we round up some of our favourite coverage of ​Rotary Clubs in the media and local press.


A family joke inspired Aberdeen Rotarian and grandmother, Dorothy Lamb to ​scale the heights of the Mither Tap in the Bennachie hill range to raise money for ​ShelterBox.

Dorothy, 79, told Aberdeen Live: “As we drive from the south into the village ​where we live, we get a fantastic view of Bennachie and when our grandsons ​were little, I always used to say to them that I’d take them up there one day. It ​became a family joke.”

Dorothy’s twin grandsons joined her on the climb to raise £1,100, supported by ​family and friends from Inverurie Rotary Club, which she and husband Alex are ​members of. FULL STORY >

a person wearing a green shirt and hiking poles on a trail


Ten public defibrillators have been installed around Gloucester after fundraising ​efforts from Kingsholm Rotary Club.

BBC Gloucestershire reported that when Bernard Dunkley became club ​President, he made it his mission to increase the number of life-saving kits ​around Gloucester.

It comes after data revealed that the city had the lowest number of defibrillators ​in the country. FULL STORY >


In Scotland, the East Lothian Courier, reported how Longniddry Rotary Club ​had helped to secure an easily accessible defibrillator in the town after a year-​long campaign by business owner, Jane Muir.

She said: “The Rotary and the Co-op have been great at helping me out and I ​want to thank them for all their help.

“If it saves one life then it is absolutely worth it and I am over the moon it has ​been installed.” FULL STORY >

a person in a red shirt standing next to a defibrillator box


Swindon North & Thamesdown Rotary Club was praised by the Wiltshire ​Community Foundation in the Swindon Advertiser for their partnership ​working. The Wiltshire Community Foundation is an independent charity which ​aims to combat disadvantage, strengthening communities through facilitating ​philanthropy and supporting voluntary groups.

The Rotary club’s endowment fund, under the care of the Wiltshire Community ​Foundation, has distributed thousands of pounds in grants to Swindon charities ​since 2001.

Oliver Selfe, philanthropy director at Wiltshire Community Foundation, said: “The ​Rotary Club of Swindon North and Thamesdown is a fantastic example of how ​setting up an endowment fund with us can have such a lasting impact on lives ​within the local community, both now and for years to come.” FULL STORY >


In Cumbria, Furness Rotary Club has handed £1,400 to the mother of a girl with ​a rare condition so she can buy a new chair, according to The North West ​Evening Mail. Three-year-old Mìa Amor Morgan from Barrow has hydrocephalus ​having been born with excess fluid in her brain.

According to the website, the Rotary club learnt of her mother Sarah Forster’s ​appeal to get Mìa a new chair which would increase her independence at nursery.


A smiling toddler


In Warwickshire, a special school in Nuneaton has taken delivery of a Peace Pole ​thanks to Nuneaton Rotary Club. According to Warwickshire World, members ​of Nuneaton Rotary joined staff and pupils at ARC School Ansley for the ​dedication ceremony in their peace garden recently.

The independent specialist school provides education to children and young ​people on the Autism Spectrum with social, emotional and mental health needs, ​communication needs and cognition and learning needs. FULL STORY >


Aberystwyth Rotary Club has donated £2,000 to Blood Bikes Wales ​Aberystwyth.

The money, raised at a garden party at Club President Phil Evans’ home, was ​presented to Mathew Leeman of Blood Bikes Wales Aberystwyth when the club ​returned to its usual lunchtime rendezvous at Gwesty’r Marine, reported ​Cambrian News. FULL STORY >


An ambulance full of supplies for Ukraine has arrived in time for a handover in ​the war-torn country despite breaking down in Germany, reported BBC ​Northampton.

The second-hand vehicle, loaded with apparatus including wheelchairs and ​crutches, was driven more than 1,300 miles by volunteers from a Northampton ​Becket Rotary.

The ambulance was repaired by a friendly German mechanic and made its way ​across Poland through the night to hit the deadline. FULL STORY >


The Derry Journal in Northern Ireland covered the success of Seanán Gallagher, ​who won the club heat of Rotary in Great Britain & Ireland’s Young Writer ​Competition. Seanán, a pupil from St Mary’s Primary School in Cloughcor, and ​supported by Strabane-Lifford Rotary Club, wrote his winning piece around the ​theme of rebuilding on ‘Rebuilding O’ Connolly’s Amazing Wildlife Sanctuary ​Island’.

During an awards presentation at the school involving Rotary club President, Dr ​Morris Brown, the Principal of St Mary’s Primary School, Andrea Devine, ​congratulated Seanán and added that his success was testament to the school’s ​special literacy programme along with Seanán’s hard work and creativity.


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