

nitesh joshi




In the vibrant world of Rotary Great Britain and Ireland, there exists a group of ​individuals who work tirelessly, often without recognition, to make the world a ​better place.

These are the unsung heroes of Rotary; members who, driven by passion and ​love for the organisation, dedicate countless hours to running fund-raising ​events, leading service projects, and exemplifying what it means to be an active ​and caring member of society.

As Chair, I have the privilege of visiting and speaking at numerous district ​conferences and public engagements.

Each time, I am struck by the incredible work being done by our Rotary members ​across Rotary GB&I and abroad. Whether it’s a project focused on water ​conservation, climate change, environmental protection, or women’s health, I am ​in awe of the time, energy, and commitment many individuals give to their ​chosen causes.

These champions work quietly, motivated not by the desire for recognition, but ​by a deep commitment to the values of Rotary and the well-being of others. What ​they do is what we call “The magic of Rotary” – the unwavering, steadfast ​commitment to the cause of helping people everywhere.


Rotary International President, Stephanie Urchick, often refers to us as the ​"family of Rotary," and I am delighted to be a part of this family.

Within this family, every member plays a vital role, and it is important that we ​acknowledge and celebrate the contributions of all; especially those who work ​behind the scenes.

Their efforts remind us that Rotary’s strength lies not just in its global initiatives, ​but in the dedication of its members who, day in and day out, contribute to our ​mission in so many meaningful ways.

The importance of recognising unsung heroes extends beyond Rotary and can be ​seen in other areas of life, including the recent Olympic Games.

Behind every successful athlete is a dedicated family and support network who play a part in the ​success. The same is true for Rotary GB&I Ambassador, Abbie Breakwell (centre), who competed at her​ fir​st Paralympic Games in Paris. Pic: Paralympics GB.

While gold medallists often receive the most attention, I would like to celebrate ​the athletes who came in second, third, or even last.

These athletes trained just as hard, sacrificed just as much, and displayed the ​same level of competitiveness and sportsmanship. Their participation and hard ​work deserve our recognition and respect, reminding us that success is not just ​about winning, but about the journey, effort, and dedication along the way.

Let’s also not forget the amazing coaches and mentors who work silently away ​sculpting a good athlete into a world class winner.

This spirit of acknowledgment is also deeply relevant when we consider the ​ongoing fight to eradicate polio, a cause to which Rotary has been committed for ​over 40 years.

“Their work has brought us closer than ​ever to the goal of eradicating polio from ​the face of the earth. they deserve and ​receive our deepest gratitude.”

The progress we have made is due to the relentless efforts of countless ​volunteers who have given up their time, energy, and resources to protect ​children from this debilitating disease.

These volunteers are the epitome of unsung heroes. Their work has brought us ​closer than ever to the goal of eradicating polio from the face of the earth, and ​for that, they deserve and receive our deepest gratitude.

As we move forward in our Rotary journey, let us take the time to appreciate and ​celebrate these unsung heroes; those within Rotary GB&I and those across the ​world. Their dedication, commitment, and passion are what drive us forward, ​and it is their silent, steadfast contributions that truly make a difference.

Thank you to all of you who continue to embody the spirit of Rotary. You are the ​heart and soul of our mission, and we are all better for the work you do.

Keep an eye out for our next unsung hero who may be the person sitting next to ​you in your local café or a potential new member looking to join your club – give ​them the support they need to do everything they want in Rotary.

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