three people pose for a picture on top of a mountain

walking on the wye ​side with Drewe

story by: dave king

Drewe Lacey is marking his year as District Governor by taking part in a ​challenging walk this September.

In July, Drewe took over as District Governor for 1100, an area stretching from ​North Somerset to Worcester and from the Wye Valley to Swindon in Wiltshire, ​encompassing 60 clubs and 1,400 Rotarians.

In September, Drewe and his daughter Harriet will be embarking on an ​expedition to complete the entirety of the 140-mile Wye Valley Walk in 10 days.

They will start at the source on Plynlimon on September 11th, and will be joined ​by family and friends, civic dignitaries and many Rotarians on various legs of the ​walk. The route will take them to the mouth of the River Wye at Chepstow by ​September 21st where the Chepstow Club, assisted by other Rotary clubs, will ​hold a family fun barbecue event.

It’s part of a project which Drewe has initiated during his year as District ​Governor called ‘Source of Life’.

Drewe explained that in 2023 the Environment Agency raised concerns about the ​water quality with the threat of pollution to the River Wye. One way of tackling ​this would be through improved water management and the planting of trees.

As part of his ‘Source of Life’ campaign, Drewe is keen that 50% of the monies ​raised would go towards environmental initiatives to mitigate pollution of the ​river. Partnerships have been formed with The Friends of the River Wye and ​River Action UK who will receive some of those funds.

“it’s part of a project which drewe has ​initiated during his year as district ​governor called ‘source of life’.”

“I lived in the Wye Valley from 1975 until 2007, and our six children grew up there ​attending local schools and colleges. The River Wye is part of the family DNA,” he ​explained.

The Rotarian will also be raising must from the walk for Gist Cancer UK to ​support the charity’s work in supporting patients, some with incurable forms of ​Gist and to drive further research.

After a serious operation in 2023, Drewe was diagnosed with a rare form of ​Sarcoma Cancer, Gist, which has inspired him to do the entire Wye Valley Walk.

Drewe is no stranger to marathon physical challenges having run three London ​Marathons to raise more than £10,000 for various charities.

The Mayor of Hereford agreed to host the launch meeting attended by ​Councillors from both City and County, environmental charities, the Chair of ​GistCancer UK, and from Rotary, eight Rotary clubs in the Wye Valley, and the ​District Team.

A partnership agreement between District 1100, the local Rotary clubs and the ​Friends of the River Wye was signed earlier this summer to co-operate on local ​initiatives involving citizen science.

A person sitting in a hole in the grass.

In September, Drewe and his daughter Harriet will be embarking on an expedition to complet​e the entirety of the 140-mile Wye Valley Walk in 10 days.

Drewe is encouraging people to donate to a JustGiving page where 50% of the ​donation will go to environmental charities in the Wye and 50% to GIST Cancer ​UK.

He is also encouraging people to embark on their own personal adventure by ​tackling part or all of the Wye Valley Walk Route to raise money for the campaign.

You can register and donate on the Source of Life website.

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