All our members are people of action, here are just some of the projects from around Great Britain & Ireland

An individual holding a framed certificate in front of two others

Top award for

Senlac Rotarian

A Senlac Rotarian has been given a top civic award in East Sussex. Jimmy Carroll, a Rotarian for more than 25 years, has devoted much of his time to improving the area he has worked for over 50 years.

Bexhill-on-Sea Town Council conferred the title of Honorary Freeman to Jimmy for his exceptional service to Sidley and the wider area of Bexhill.

Jimmy said: “I was so surprised, I was escorted by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor for Bexhill, the Little Common British Legion Brass Band played, and the Town Crier proclaimed the award.”

Jimmy, who moved to the area 50 years ago with his family from south-east London, is a retired wholesale and retail greengrocer and had a number of premises locally including one in the village of Sidley, part of town of Bexhill.

“I was so surprised!”

He served as a councillor in Sidley for over 16 years and was Bexhill Town Mayor and Chairman of the Rother District Council. Jimmy has been a community champion over many years helping to improve the facilities and environment for the local residents in what is designated a deprived area.

Sidley was one of 150 areas around England to be awarded £1milllion through the Big Local Trust to make a massive and lasting positive difference to their communities. Heart of Sidley was set up in 2014 for a ten-year period to improve and regenerate Sidley village and its surrounding area by working together as a community.

This was a project very dear to Jimmy who continues to take a prominent role in the initiative, as do his sons. “We’ve done a lot, but we’ve still got a lot to do and we must keep trying to improve life for our community,” Jimmy concluded.

The photograph shows Jimmy with his award and Andy Cruttenden, President of Senlac Rotary, left, and Bryan Hunter, President of St Leonards Rotary, right.

The two clubs are now holding joint meetings as a prelude to a merger from July, the start of the new Rotary year.

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