building bridges

for peace


Florian Quanz from Rotary Germany visited Bosnia and Herzegovnia, a ​region blighted by three years of bitter civil war between 1992 to 1995, to ​examine how Rotary is helping to provide a pathway to peace.

Arno Kronhofer pauses for a moment. "This is it," he says, setting a foot on the ​bridge in Mostar. I follow him, as I have for the past week, throughout Bosnia and ​Herzegovina.

In the middle of the bridge stands a man in a red polo shirt, already smiling at us. ​Then I hear him call out the name "Arno," and they share a heartfelt embrace. ​Nevzet Sefo from the Rotary Club of Mostar welcomes us on the world-renowned ​bridge that spans the Neretva River.

"How long has it been now?" Nevzet Sefo asks. Before my eyes, the image of two ​friends who have long awaited this reunion emerges. Arno and Nevzet have ​much to discuss.

“The bridge represents Bosnia and ​Herzegovina and its history like no other ​structure. It was destroyed by Croatian ​troops in the war in 1993 and later rebuilt. ​It serves as a memorial and an expression ​of hope for a peaceful future.”

A stone bridge over a river in Bosnia, surrounded by stone houses and buildings
a group of people shaking hands in front of a building

Expression of Hope

Meanwhile, I enjoy the view from the bridge. Even for locals, it is a popular ​meeting place, connecting both parts of the old town, which is a UNESCO World ​Heritage Site.

The bridge represents Bosnia and Herzegovina and its history like no other ​structure. It was destroyed by Croatian troops in the war in 1993 and later ​rebuilt. It serves as a memorial and an expression of hope for a peaceful future.

Merima Ivković and Srdan Škoro have since joined us. "We're still waiting for our ​club president Anel Pala," Sefo explains. Hardly has he spoken when a smiling ​young man approaches us. Now we are complete.

"It's great that you found your way to us," Pala exclaims almost exuberantly. ​Then the four of them take us on a short tour of the old town. We learn that Pala ​is an artist who paints pictures of Mostar and sells them primarily to tourists in ​his shop in the old town. His paintings are a special expression of his love for his ​homeland.

Two people standing in an indoor market

Religion Doesn't Matter

Later, we visit a restaurant to spend the evening together. It's an opportunity for ​Arno and me to learn more about the club.

First, I want to know if there are tensions between the different ethnic groups. "I ​personally find the question irritating," admits Anel Pala, glancing over at Srdan ​Škoro. Škoro is an Orthodox Serb, Pala a Muslim Bosniak.

"Religion doesn't matter to me or to any of us in the club. Until the civil war, ​people of different faiths lived together peacefully in this city for 500 years. Why ​shouldn't that be possible now?"

Pala knows that not everyone in Bosnia and Herzegovina thinks this way. "The ​Rotary community is a good example of how to counter the dividers in our ​society," he is convinced. His club friends nod in agreement. Together, they want ​to build bridges between the ethnic groups that were at war with each other 30 ​years ago.

The Rotary club's initiative is not taken for granted in a country still suffering ​from the effects of the civil war. But it is an endeavour that has become so ​familiar to me after a week in this country -thanks to many Rotary friends.

“I never thought something like this would ​happen to him. He always had luck in his ​life. And then this.”

a person standing next to a wall with writing on it

Mario Zovko Worked for UNHCR

Five days earlier: Mario Zovko takes a deep breath. "I never thought something ​like this would happen to him. He always had luck in his life. And then this."

Zovko walks with Arno, whom he has known for many years, a few steps further ​through the old town of Tuzla. They stop at a memorial. "Here is his name: ​Nedim Hodžić."

Hodžić was his best friend. Was. On May 25, 1995, an artillery shell hit Tuzla, ​killing 71 people, including Hodžić. Zovko's gaze lingers for a moment on his ​friend's name on the memorial.

Despite this, Mario Zovko does not harbour hatred for other ethnicities. "My wife ​is a Muslim Bosniak, I am a Catholic Croat. My mother is from Montenegro." His ​family perfectly represents the Balkans. This diversity is also present in his Rotary ​club.

"Of course, we have all three ethnicities in our club. That's what makes Rotary, ​and that's why I carry our service organisation in my heart."

While other men fought as soldiers, Mario Zovko worked for the UN Refugee ​Agency (UNHCR) during the war. "It was the most prominent aid organisation in ​Tuzla at the time, and it seemed the most sensible to get involved there."

Today, he is a true Rotary peace ambassador. "I hope Elvir is also here," says ​Arno. No sooner has he entered the terrace of the Paviljon Hotel in Bihać than a ​tall man stands up from a table. It is Elvir Hadžić, whom Arno calls ‘Mr. Rotary of ​Bihać’.

They have had a special relationship for years. Both have a military background. ​Arno Kronhofer was a colonel in the Austrian Armed Forces and first came to ​Bosnia and Herzegovina shortly after the war ended.

Over 40 more visits followed, even as Governor of District 1910, which includes ​eastern and southern Austria as well as Bosnia and Herzegovina. The country has ​never let go of Arno and has become like a second home to him, one he cares ​about deeply.

Elvir Hadžić fought as an officer for the Muslim Bosniak army during the Bosnian ​Civil War from 1992 to 1995. He still suffers from the effects of an injury. "Arno ​and I know what war means. That's why I say, there must never be war here ​again," Hadžić explains.

This is the essential message for him and his club friends Armin Čolić and Adem ​Salihagić. They then discuss their Rotary activities, which bring people from the ​region together.

"Once a year, we close a road through a beautiful canyon for walkers and cyclists. ​700 people are then on the move together, not only from Bihać but also from ​neighbouring Croatia," explains Hadžić. Today, this road section is called "Rotary ​Canyon."

The club also excellently maintains the international idea of the Rotary ​community. "We have a partner club in Slovenia, the Rotary Club of Grosuplje, ​and we support the Croatian club in Gospic," says Armin Čolić.

Every connection across national and confessional boundaries is an important ​contribution to peace in the region. This is already emphasised by the club's ​founding, with the Rotary Clubs Banja Luka from the Republika Srpska and ​Sarajevo from the Federation as founding sponsors. Just connecting the two ​entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina is a Rotary contribution to peace.

“The reservoir repeatedly gains infamous ​recognition through photos showing ​masses of plastic waste coming from the ​Drina River and landing in the lake.”

several boats are docked in the water next to a mountain

Largest Rotary Environmental Project in Europe

Connecting across borders is also familiar to Bojan Sarić from the Rotary Club of ​Bijeljina. He is currently standing on a rubbish collection boat on Zvornik Lake.

The reservoir repeatedly gains infamous recognition through photos showing ​masses of plastic waste coming from the Drina River and landing in the lake.

Under the leadership of his club, in co-operation with the environmental ​organisation Everwave from Aachen in Germany, and financial support from the ​German District 1820 and many other Rotary clubs, the waste is collected from ​the boat and the water kept clean.

Arno, who is taking photos with his phone for his Facebook diary of this ​reportage trip, explains: "This is the largest Rotary environmental project in all of ​Europe. The Global Grant of $191,124 is a unique success story."

A total of 35,491 kilograms of waste were fished from the lake in 2023 alone. "I ​want to continue the project in my term," says Bojan Sarić, emphasising the ​project's importance.

two people standing on a train track near a river

Promoting Children's Development

Leading the country to a better future is not only possible through large ​environmental projects or events that connect regions and their people.

In Banja Luka and Zenica, Rotary friends have dedicated themselves to ​promoting the younger generation.

"Children are the future. We must support them because the better they are ​educated, the better the future of our country will be," says Biljana Seratlić, a ​member of Rotary Club of Banja Luka-Gloria.

Together with three club friends, Arno Kronhofer, and myself, she visits Jovan ​Cvijić Elementary School. They have implemented two projects at the school.

The sanitary facilities were renovated with the support of the Austrian club ​Bruck-Kapfenberg. Over $40,000 was raised for this Global Grant project. Seratlić ​and her club friends value the sustainability of their projects, which is why they ​also follow up on-site after a project's completion to see the positive impact their ​support has had.

The elementary school is also one of 15 schools that received books for their ​library. This 2020 project was also a Global Grant of $36,000. The fact that Rotary ​Club of Feldbach, an Austrian club, was found as a partner is no coincidence. ​Many clubs from the Alpine Republic support projects in Bosnia, thereby also ​strengthening the cohesion within the district.

A similar project was launched a year later by Rotary Club of Zenica in co-​operation with Rotary Club of Vienna. Here too, schools in the region were given ​books.

"We evaluated it thoroughly. The schools documented for us which donated ​books were borrowed how often in the first two months," explains Harun ​Imamović.

Arno Kronhofer and I get an impression of this successful project at a Catholic ​school in Zenica. "During the corona pandemic, many children read too little at ​home," explains Mensura Begamović, who led this project with almost $125,000 ​and was awarded a Paul Harris Fellow for it.

In addition to this project, the Rotaract club offers free homework assistance in ​the city.

“Arno and I leave the country after a week ​and a half with dreams, hope, and a lot of ​confidence in our luggage.”

two individuals in suits leaning on the open door of a car

A Motivated Young Generation

Haso Hubijar has ambitious plans. He wants to show us several projects from the ​Rotary Club of Sarajevo, and we have set aside a whole day for it.

By car, we head to Goražde. The city is located about two hours' drive southeast ​of Sarajevo. The reputation of the club's projects becomes clear during the ​reception by the mayor.

Over the years, the Rotary community in Bosnia and Herzegovina has built a high ​reputation across all ethnic groups. Also, because Rotary leaves no one in society ​alone. This is evident in a small factory on the outskirts of the city where people ​with mental disabilities work.

"It's important that they have a job. Only if all people feel accepted and see ​themselves as part of society can it live in peace," explains Haso Hubijar.

Additionally, the club created jobs in a community laundry. Both Global Grant ​projects were implemented with the German Rotary District 1950. Together, ​more than $200,000 were invested.

In Sarajevo, Rotaractors Daneya Zulum and Mirza Arslanagic are waiting for us ​early in the evening. They want to show us the old town. We meet two young ​people full of drive.

"This country offers so many opportunities for my generation. We just need to ​recognise and seize them," explains Arslanagic, who just completed his ​bachelor's degree in computer science at the University of Sarajevo. He and his ​club friend want to give back to the community, and Rotaract offers the best ​opportunity for that.

"The cooperation with the Rotary clubs in the city is excellent," explains Zulum, ​who sees it as an important success factor for Rotaract's work.

On the last evening in Sarajevo, Arno and I sit in the old town over a beer for a ​long time. "I think the idea of your governor to hold this year's district conference ​in Sarajevo is great," I say. "It is an appreciation at the right time."

Arno, who usually has an immediate response, thinks for a moment. "Yes, we ​need to support our Rotary friends in Bosnia wherever we can. We from Rotary ​are probably the only non-political organisation in this country that is accepted ​by everyone. Rotary peace work is immensely important."

His words resonate with me. "Arno, you know what? This country needs a Rotary ​Peace Centre. Here in Sarajevo, where different ethnic groups and religions meet ​directly."

Our eyes begin to shine. Arno and I leave the country after a week and a half with ​dreams, hope, and a lot of confidence in our luggage.

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