First class feedback ​about North Star

Welcome to the August issue of Rotary Digital.

First of all, thanks to everyone for the positive feedback for the July issue of ​Rotary Magazine with the focus on North Star.

This week, I visited Swindon Rotary Club in Wiltshire where there was widespread ​praise for the issue which provided clarity to the membership initiative.

Emails have followed too with one correspondent writing: “I don’t think any ​Rotarian could possibly disagree with what we are trying to achieve with North ​Star and strengthen Rotary.”

You can find back copies of all of the Rotary Magazine here.

This month’s issue is very diverse in nature with a prime focus on Rotary in ​Bosnia with an underlying theme of how Rotary has been an enabler of peace in ​this once troubled land.

The spectre of war still looms large in Ukraine, yet the love story of Chepstow ​Rotarian Guy Wilson and his wife Karyna, who fled her homeland with her young ​son following the Russian invasion is one which will provide a heart-warming ​read.

Tom Gump cut a popular figure when he visited the Action Summit in ​Manchester last autumn with current Rotary International President, Stephanie ​Urchick. Now aide to the RI President during Stephanie’s year in office, Tom ​reflects the very modern face of Rotary when he talks publicly and with his social ​media, and he is featured in this issue of the magazine.

One of the consequences of the magazine being published monthly is that we ​are receiving more news from clubs and districts which is fantastic. The best way ​of promoting Rotary is by telling Rotary’s story. So we have extended the People ​of Action pages and will continue to do so.

If you’ve never got in touch before and have an interesting story to tell, ​particularly about a club project – either domestic or international – then please ​email me at:

Enjoy this month’s magazine.

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