people looking at art in an art gallery

jannine birtwistle

team lead

specialist adviser team

humanitarian services


Rotary Youth Competitions provide young people with a platform to ​showcase their talents, build confidence, and gain valuable experience in a ​supportive environment. These competitions allow Rotary to engage ​diverse segments of our communities including schools, youth groups, local ​councils, education authorities and businesses, and, most importantly, the ​youth themselves.

Caroline Evans, Immediate Past President of Norwich St Edmund Rotary ​and a member of the Rotary Young Artist Team shared insights and tips ​from last year’s local round, offering a glimpse into the success and impact ​of these events.

In March 2024, 80 people gathered in the main lecture theatre of the Norfolk and ​Norwich University Hospital to celebrate the achievements of participants in the ​Rotary Young Artist competition locally.

Spearheaded by Tania Sidney-Roberts, the club were adamant the competition ​must include an art exhibition which was an important tool in attracting entrants. ​The hospital provided display space in the main corridor for two and a half ​months.

This exhibition, of all submitted artwork and the artists' thoughts, not only ​highlighted the young talent but also provided Rotary with excellent free ​publicity. The feedback from patients and visitors was overwhelmingly positive.

a child's drawing of a building with many windows
a painting of a the earth and clouds
a painting of a person with vines on their face

The winning entries in the Junior, Intermediate and Senior categories by Riley Hanner, Hanna Rudd ​and ​Weronika Szucio.

The celebratory evening was a vibrant event, with participants, their families, and ​notable guests, including the judge Martin Laurance, the Mayor and Mayoress of ​Norwich, the District Governor, and the hospital’s new CEO, Lesley Dwyer, who ​praised the initiative for its positive impact saying “It is good to see children ​coming to the Hospital for a happy occasion that makes hospital visits less ​daunting in the future”.

Each entrant was presented with a certificate and art pack, and the prize-giving ​ceremony was marked by drum rolls and applause, creating a joyous and ​magical atmosphere.

The evening included live piano music, refreshments provided by the hospital, ​and Rotarians acting as stewards, ensuring everyone felt welcomed and ​engaged. For a modest investment of £100, the event was a resounding success, ​and the club are looking forward to the 2024/25 competition.


Caroline also offered several ideas to enhance future competitions:

  • Use local WhatsApp groups for publicity, sponsorship, and attracting entries
  • Explore exhibition and promotion space in supermarkets, libraries, hospitals, ​community centres and local town halls
  • Partner with local art galleries, framers or the Fine Art Trade Guild to ​promote the event
  • Involve local artists as judges
  • Consider empty shops for displays
  • Collaborate with companies related to the theme for all the non face to face ​2024/25 competition - ‘Wonderful Water’

a painting of a person playing with a stack of wooden blocks

Eleanor Prineas, from Folkestone in Kent, was the winner of the Rotary Young Artist Competition’s ​senior​ category for her striking portrait of her young sister.

Inspired to enter? Contact your local Rotary club or use the email given on the ​page for the competition you are interested in.

Rotary members, please use the latest information and guidelines in the ​Members Area (login required). Engaging with the public image and ​membership teams, as well as encouraging past participants to get involved in ​organising and promoting the competition, can further enhance its reach and ​impact. Don’t forget to involve RotaKids and Interact.

Many thanks to the Fine Art Trade Guild and Lucy Pittaway for their support ​again for the 2024/25 Rotary Young Artist Competition.

To read more about the amazing winners of the 2023/24 Rotary Youth Competitions, ​take a look back at the June and July editions of Rotary Digital.

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