marathon runners complete the race down The Mall in London. One runner is wearing a ShelterBox top.

running hat-trick ​for shelterbox

story by: John cleverley

A Rotarian from Thurso in Scotland has completed an epic running challenge, ​taking on three iconic events to raise money for people around the world who ​have been left without shelter.

Derek Sinclair, 51, pounded the streets for over 65 miles tackling marathons in ​London, Edinburgh, and Inverness to raise funds for the international disaster ​relief charity, ShelterBox.

The self-proclaimed novice runner, Derek, said: “I wanted to take on a challenge ​and raise funds for ShelterBox to mark my time as president of Thurso Rotary ​Club.

I’d already secured spots for the Inverness Half Marathon and the Edinburgh ​Marathon when I unexpectedly got into the London Marathon too. I was ​apprehensive at first but then thought, what’s an extra marathon?! It’ll make it a ​hat-trick!

“All three runs went pretty smoothly. In Inverness I focussed solely on the ​running, missing the atmosphere. In London, it was impossible to miss it. It was ​electric with the cheering crowds and landmarks making it an unforgettable day.

“Edinburgh was the final test, and I was pleased to beat my London time. Even ​more thrilled to have completed the challenge and raise a decent amount of ​money for a very worthy cause.”

The Cornwall-based charity, ShelterBox, specialises in emergency shelter, ​supporting people who have been uprooted from their homes after disaster or ​conflict. As well as emergency shelter, it provides essential items like solar lights, ​water filters and mosquito nets to people left with very little.

“I wanted to take on a challenge and raise ​funds for ShelterBox to mark my time as ​president of Thurso Rotary Club.”

The charity was founded by a Rotary Club in Helston in 2000 and has since ​supported nearly three million people across around 100 countries. ShelterBox ​and Rotary have worked closely since the start and are official project partners ​working together around the world to deliver emergency shelter and aid to ​people who have been displaced.

Derek added: “I can’t thank everyone enough for their support. For all three ​events I was encouraged by messages from family, friends and ShelterBox staff ​wishing me good luck. Over 80 hours of training, covering over 500 miles on cold, ​dark mornings got me to the point where I could complete this challenge and do ​my part for people affected by disaster.”

Derek raised over £2,000 for ShelterBox, smashing his fundraising target for ​£1,300. Donations can still be given via his JustGiving page.

Fiona Turner, Rotary Engagement Officer at ShelterBox, says: “It’s been a ​pleasure following Derek and his running. We are so grateful for his support and ​can’t wait to hear what’s next.

“With more people being displaced every year, we’re scaling up our responses to ​deal with the growing demand for emergency shelter.

“We couldn’t continue to do this without the support of people, like Derek, who ​dedicate their time and efforts to raising money and awareness of the issues ​people are facing around the world.”

a group of people running in a marathon

Derek Sinclair pounded the streets for over 65 miles tackling marathons in London, Edinburgh, and ​Inverness to raise funds for the international disaster relief charity, ShelterBox.

A ShelterBox assessment team is currently in the Caribbean where island nations ​were left devastated following Hurricane Beryl and is ready to respond if needed.

The charity has aid in Gaza, where it's working with local partners to distribute ​tents, tarpaulins, blankets, water carriers, kitchen sets and other essentials to ​thousands of people affected by the conflict. It's also responding to events like ​flooding in Bangladesh and Malawi, and conflict in Syria, Yemen, and Burkina ​Faso.

To find out more about ShelterBox and where the charity is working, visit: ​

frank tackles britain on

two wheels fo​r shelterbox

ShelterBox takes to the water ​raising £2,500 for the charity

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