All our members are people of action, here are just some of the projects from around Great Britain & Ireland

a person in a green shirt is sitting on a sailboat made from a ShelterBox with flags on it

ShelterBox takes to the water ​raising £2,500 for the charity


IMAGES: Doug Kurn

A Norfolk Rotarian has taken to the water in a converted ShelterBox, raising over ​£2500 for the Rotary-supported charity.

Paul Weatherill, 69, from Watton and District Rotary Club, piloted his home-built ​ShelterBoat down the Thames joining the Thames Traditional Boat Festival at ​Henley to then navigate his way for the next three days over 35 miles and 14 ​locks to a fantastic Rotary reception at Shepperton Lock.

Paul built the ShelterBoat from marine plywood around an iconic ShelterBox ​crate which had been used in an earlier life to deliver shelter and other life-​saving equipment to those made homeless by disaster or conflict.

The ShelterBox formed the cockpit, with cutouts for the pilot’s legs. The ​ShelterBoat was powered by an electric outboard with a sail and rigging in ​ShelterBox livery.

a person in a green shirt holding a flag on a boat
a small sailboat is on the water in front of a dock
a person in a green shirt shaking hands with another person on a dock

ShelterBoat was launched on the Norfolk Broads in 2021, and again on the River ​Avon from Stratford-upon-Avon in 2023, raising over £6,000 for the charity.

Along the river, Paul was supported by Rotary clubs in Henley, Marlow, Bourne ​End and Cookham, Staines and Shepperton, helping to raise awareness with ​ShelterBox displays, banners and flyers. Churches, riverside pubs, sailing clubs ​and rowing clubs also got on board.

Paul said: “It was an idea myself and a friend had in lockdown. We didn’t have a ​lot to do, so we decided to build a boat out of a ShelterBox and see where that ​might take us. We had lots of companies getting on board, donating materials, ​lots of support from my Rotary friends, and we pulled it off together.”


Tim Vile, District Governor for Rotary South (District 1145) and a former ​ShelterBox responder, was there to cheer Paul’s arrival through Shepperton ​Lock. He said: “ShelterBox is close to our hearts across our District.

“I was incredibly proud that Rotarians from Shepperton & Sunbury and ​Shepperton Aurora clubs organised a great two-day display and fundraising ​alongside the Thames, with a wonderful and fitting flotilla and reception party to ​welcome Paul ashore.”

Katie Hodges, District Governor for Rotary Thames Valley (District 1090), cheered ​on the ShelterBoat launch at the Thames Traditional Boat Festival in Henley, and ​said: “Here is the magic of Rotary - making friends, having fun, and making a ​difference in the world!”

a group of people running in a marathon

shelterbox running hat-trick

for rotarian

three men standing in front of a sign with the ocean in the background

frank tackles britain on

two wheels fo​r shelterbox

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