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Rotary clubs provide ​warmth for schoolchildren

The power of Rotary has done it again with an initiative to provide coats for ​disadvantage children during the winter.

Coats4Kids is an initiative forged by the Rotary e-Club 1070 which is based in the ​East Midlands. So far, it has provided 2,899 coats to children in 190 different ​primary schools.

Val Howe, President of the e-Club, said that their project had been supported by ​Rotarians from other districts within Great Britain & Ireland.


She said: “It has been an amazing fund-raising effort which has brought warmth ​to the hearts and bodies of primary school children from economically ​challenged backgrounds, not only within district 1070 but to our cluster districts ​as well.”

The e-club project now become a registered charity, Coats4Kids, with a mission ​to provide brand-new coats to all primary aged school children in need. As winter ​temperatures drop, the initiative aims to ensure that no child has to face the ​season without a proper warm water-resistant coat with a hood.

Val explained that for the first time Coats4Kids, has been able to collaborate with ​Rotary clubs from several districts across their cluster and beyond.

“Rotarians contacted their local primary schools to identify the need of children ​who come from families struggling financially,” she added.

“The initiative recognises the importance of keeping these youngsters warm and ​comfortable during the chilly winter months, ultimately promoting a conducive ​learning environment.”

“The team is now gearing up for the winter ​of 2024/5 with fundraising a prime ​importance.”

4.2 million primary aged children have been identified as being in need – over 1 million of which are ​in dire need. Data from Joseph Rowntree Report 2024.

The team is now gearing up for the winter of 2024/5 with fund-raising a prime ​importance. Just £25 buys a child a brand new high quality warm coat which the ​team can send to anywhere across the UK and Ireland direct to the child’s home.

Val is urging Rotary clubs to consider setting some money aside in their budgets ​to support this initiative, and perhaps applying for a matching grant as well.

“There are approximately 1.4 million children across the UK that desperately ​need our help,” she added. “Several head teachers have reported excited ​children who received their new coats with smiles that lit up the room.


"We believe that every child deserves the chance to thrive without the burden of ​the biting cold. Our aim is to provide not just warmth but also a sense of dignity ​and belonging to these youngsters.

“This initiative goes beyond providing physical warmth; it also sends a message ​to our students that their community cares about their well-being. It's heartening ​to see everyone come together for the betterment of our children."

Val said that thanks to the support from Rotary clubs and now local ​communities, donations have been coming in from many different sources. This ​has allowed Coats4Kids to expand its reach and provide coats to even more ​children than initially anticipated.

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