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Rotary clubs commemorate

D-Day anniversary

Rotary clubs from across Great Britain & Ireland, as well as other parts of the ​world, marked the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy.

Among them was the Rotary Club of the Studios of Elstree and Borehamwood in ​Hertfordshire.

As part of the buildup to this year's D-Day commemoration, pipers from around ​the world were requested to perform in ten locations over ten days, leading up ​to the celebration on Thursday, June 6. This national initiative was led by piper ​John Millin and his son, Jacob. John's father, Bill Millin, famously played the pipes ​while under fire during the D-Day landings in Normandy.

This commemoration was a fitting tribute with historic resonance, recognising ​the brave soldiers who sacrificed so much during the D-Day landings to secure ​the freedom we enjoy today.

6t​h June 2024 marked the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy.

Rotarian and piper George Carr from The Studios of Elstree and Borehamwood ​performed at several separate outdoor locations in the area in the run up to the ​D-Day celebrations with a small remembrance service held on June 2 when Club ​President, Andrew Grady, joined in the proceedings.

On the 80th anniversary date, June 6, three members from the Rotary club joined ​for commemorations in Borehamwood when a beacon was lit to mark the ​anniversary.

The event was held at Woodcock Hill, the location in the town for ​Borehamwood’s beacon, which has been in existence since 1588 to alert London ​of the Spanish Armada’s approach. Beacons were lit from south-west England ​across the country. On June 6, beacons were lit again to mark the special ​occasion, with many Rotary clubs involved with the organisation of the beacons.



Rotarian Nick Male was the Master of Ceremonies for the evening, George Carr ​performed Flowers of the Forest as part of the ceremony with Andrew Grady ​playing The Last Post and Reveille.

The event, which featured both the Mayors of Elstree and Borehamwood, and ​Hertsmere, plus the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire.

The event was organised in partnership with Dan Salter from Elstree and ​Borehamwood Town Council working with the Kings Pageant Master, Bruno ​Meek, who co-ordinated events all over the UK.

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