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Shrewsbury Severn Rotary’s

race against time for major

Santa sleigh refurbishment

For most of us, Christmas seems a long way off.

But for a Shropshire Rotary club, time is already running out following its recent ​discovery that Santa’s sleigh needs a massive facelift to appear during the month ​of December.

Members of Shrewsbury Severn Rotary Club will now be working against the ​clock to ensure their unique 30-year-old sleigh undergoes the major overhaul to ​once again fundraise and give pleasure in the lead up to Christmas.

For the sleigh requires a re-build which includes stripping it down, re-building ​with new panels, paint, signage, sound system, electrics and installation of a new ​battery-operated generator.

Only through a multitude of time-consuming tasks can the sleigh be refurbished ​in time to once again take to the streets to the pleasure of many thousands of ​people in the important run-up to Christmas.

Shrewsbury Severn Rotary Club has set aside a budget of £1,000 to complete the ​work which will be carried out at the workshop of member Johnathan Callwood ​near Church Stretton.


Additionally, the club will need to ensure the sleigh is certified as roadworthy ​before its use this Christmas.

Another problem they face is finding a new ‘home’ for the sleigh with the search ​for premises on-going.

Said the club’s president Rotarian David Morris: “I am afraid that the sleigh has ​been showing signs of wear and tear for some time now. It's clearly very ​important that we do absolutely everything we can to make sure Santa is as safe ​as possible when he appears again in December.

“Our upgrade will see a much brighter colour scheme and more vibrant electrical ​displays, but will take several months to complete. Generous sponsors are now ​actively being sought to help us.

“Our sleigh has become a very popular part of Shrewsbury's annual Christmas ​festivities and we are doing everything we can to make sure that the town's ​Christmas offering continues to improve so that we can keep on raising funds for ​so many needy local charities.”


Meanwhile, one Rotarian’s campaign for a working lift at Shrewsbury’s Flaxmill ​Maltings attraction has resulted in a big boost.

For efforts on the part of Marcus Watkin has resulted in Shrewsbury Severn ​Rotarians being offered a free tour of the internationally important site.

Marcus, who himself is wheelchair bound following a motor cycle accident, has ​engaged in email exchanges with Historic England regarding the lack of a working ​lift for disabled visitors.

Shrewsbury Severn Rotary Club members were planning a Flaxmill tour, but it ​was cancelled due to no lift being available.

However, Marcus has now been able to announce some good news to fellow ​Rotarians – a visitor tour which will be free of charge.

He said today: “Anyone who required the lift to enjoy a tour of the Flaxmill was ​unable to participate due to their lift being out of commission.

“Considering the fact that much money has been spent on the conversion of the ​Flaxmill it’s very frustrating that something as necessary - and a legal ​requirement - as a lift was unavailable for visitors.

Marcus Watkin h​as campaigned for the accessibility of the Historic England site to be improved.

“However, I’m glad to hear that Historic England are actioning work to fix the ​lifts.”

Elizabeth Rhodes, Head of the Office Estate at Historic England, has said: “The lift ​has been a long ongoing matter needing specialist rectification.

“I can only apologise for the inconvenience caused and the disappointment ​experienced.

“Rest assured we are doing our best to rectify this matter as soon as possible. ​One the lifts are operational we would like to offer you and the members of your ​Rotary group who attended site a further visitor tour which will be free of ​charge.”

Shrewsbury Severn Rotary Club recently presented £1,000 to a cancer charity ​following a sponsored beard shave by Rotarian, Peter Love. The money was ​presented to Karen Roberts, fundraising and volunteer co-ordinator for the ​Lingen Davies Cancer Fund.

Peter is one of the club’s Santas, who regularly grows his whiskers specially for ​the role. In thanking the club for their support, Karen said the gift would help ​towards the purchase of new equipment.

She told how the Lingen Davies Cancer Fund, founded by Bernard Lingen and ​Frank Davies in 1979, had grown and gone from strength to strength, ​culminating in a sapphire celebration this June.

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