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Tough competition in Dorking

for ROTARY Youth S​peaks

Because of timing difficulties, the South-East England Cluster Final for Rotary ​Youth Speaks was held on the same day as the National Final with the winners ​unable to go through to the national finals.

However, the South-East England event provided some strong competition. ​Promoted by Rotary in Dorking, the cluster finals were organised by John Thom ​and members of the Rotary Club of Dorking where it was held at the Dorking ​Methodist Hall.

The winning teams represented Districts 1110, 1120 and 1145 with the three ​intermediate teams sponsored by the Rotary Club of Medway (District 1120), ​Southampton Solent Rotary (District 1110), and the Rotary Club of Shepperton ​Aurora (District 1145), with the two senior teams sponsored by Rotary in Dorking ​(District 1145) and Poole Rotary (District 1110).

The intermediate winners were St Anne’s Catholic School from Southampton, ​whose team of Chair Zunaira Haneef, Proposer Caitlin Dugdale and Opposer ​Hamdi Khan discussed the topic 'Shakespeare: entertainment not education'. ​The best Chair, Proposer and Opposer were all won by the St Anne’s team.

“Topics debated at the final covered a ​range of topics from shakespeare to ​geopolitics.”

Senior honours went to Twynham School from Poole, above, who debated ‘Is a ​contemporary cold war emerging between China and the USA?’. They were led by ​Chair Eloise Pullen, Proposer Eden Armstrong and Opposer Yan Nicholas.

Eloise and Eden were voted by the judges as the best Chair and Proposer. The ​best Opposer was won by Bella Coombes from St John’s School, Leatherhead, on ​the topic ‘It is immoral to be a billionaire?’

Intermediate winners, St Anne’s Catholic School from Southampton.

To find out more about Youth Speaks visit our website.

Read June’s edition of Rotary Digital for details about this year’s Rotary Youth ​Speaks National Final.

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