Rotarian Paul Denton stands in a suit holding his OBE medal in a presentation box

The day the future King ​heard about The Rota​ry Foundation

story by: DAVE KING

Rotarian Paul Denton took the opportunity at his investiture at Windsor Castle to ​tell the future King about The Rotary Foundation.

Paul Denton from Luton North Rotary Club was presented with his OBE by Prince ​William, the Prince of Wales.

The award was made because of Paul’s services to charity, chiefly securing a $1.1 ​million Rotary Foundation grant for the charity Mercy Ships to fund a new, state-​of-the-art CT scanner, and other vital equipment on board Global Mercy. The ​hospital ship, which has been operating off West Africa, brings free surgery and ​medical training in regions where resources are scarce.

The grant, awarded in 2020, was the highest in The Rotary Foundation’s history.

Two nurses help a young girl with her balance as she stands with a medical boot on her foot.

The Rotary Foundation’s largest event Global Grant was used to provide medical equipment on board ​th​e Global Mercy, a Mercy Ship hospital ship. Photography courtesy of Mercy Ships.

Paul said they had no idea who would be presenting the awards until they ​arrived at Windsor Castle. “Once in the castle, there were about 70 of us who ​were given a serious, yet delivered with humour, training session on how the ​ceremony works and order of service,” he said.

“But we still did not know which of the Royals was presenting and what questions ​they would ask.

“I was pleased to see it was William, Prince of Wales. He had 50 other awardees ​to meet on the day, but he still managed to give me undivided attention and ​seemed genuinely interested, asking about my Rotary work, mentioning my trip ​to Ghana. I was also able to mention Mercy Ships.”

It was a family outing to Windsor Castle with his brother John, daughter Sally and ​granddaughter. “My daughter Julia put the wheels in motion to initiate my ​nomination but sadly she died before the award was announcement,” added ​Paul.


“As we walked across to the castle we were greeted by many tourists, where we ​mingled and photos were taken. We felt like celebrities, well in a way we were.”

Paul reflected that the Mercy Ships grant galvanised Rotary clubs all over the ​world. He said: “I greatly admire the work of Mercy Ships and was thrilled to help ​them get the largest grant in the Foundation’s history. We tapped into funds ​from South Korea, Japan, New Zealand and all over the world. So many people ​got behind it. They saw the charity’s clear vision and wanted to help.”

Paul, a banker at NatWest for 40 years before his retirement, added: “The grant ​galvanised the generosity of Rotary, truly capturing hearts and imaginations: 31 ​Rotary districts, 341 clubs across the UK and the world – from Oklahoma to Seoul ​– all found a common cause to support Mercy Ships. I’m sure that’s one of the ​main reasons I received an OBE.”

Mercy Ships Chief Executive Officer, Joanne Balaam, said the charity was ​delighted to hear of Paul’s award.

“Paul’s commitment and determination to raise the largest global grant ever ​given by Rotary International of $1.1m for Mercy Ships will create change for ​decades to come. Women, men and children who have been robbed of years of ​healthy life in sub-Saharan Africa, can now receive the vital medical care they ​need.

“From all of our Mercy Ships volunteers and patients, we pass on a big ​congratulations for Paul’s well-deserved OBE in recognition of his volunteer ​services to charity.”

“from all our mercy ships volunteers and ​patients we pass on a big ​congratulations.”

The royal honour comes just three years after he was awarded The Rotary ​Foundation Distinguished Service Award.

A member of the Luton North Rotary Club since 1983, he said he has spent much ​of his time as a Rotarian working with the Rotary Foundation, with its aim ​of ‘doing good in the world’. He was introduced to the charity just two months ​after joining Rotary.

After the ceremony, Paul and his family moved next door to St George’s Hall for ​photographs and later celebrated with afternoon tea at a Windsor hotel.

“It was a very happy day with many of my family present, and, it was the day ​when I told the future King about The Rotary Foundation.”

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