All our members are people of action, here are just some of the projects from around Great Britain & Ireland

a group of people running on the beach

Kent sporting events raise ​thousands for charities

Two big sporting fund-raisers in Kent have helped raise thousands of pounds for ​county causes.

Folkestone Channel Rotary Club held a charity golf day which raised £8,000. It ​was a beautiful day for the 18-hole challenge since the previous two years when ​the weather at Sene Valley golf course has been atrocious.

However, a record 170 entrants took part, and the money raised will be ​distributed between the Rotary club’s main charity, Headway Kent, and other ​local causes.

Also in Folkestone, both the Folkestone and Hythe Rotary Clubs supported the ​13th Folkestone Coastal 10k, which was organised by Rotarian and prolific ​runner, Ray Johnson.

A total of 920 runners took part in good, dry conditions, supported along the ​route by a throng of spectators.

The race is a highlight in the racing calendar, attracting entries from all over the ​country and raising valuable funds for local charities.

children at the start line of a race with their arms in the air

Th​e Folkestone Coastal 10k also included a popular children’s race

In addition, race organisers had two SAGA cruise ships enjoying the virtual option ​with over 100 participants, both crew and guests, raising funds. Rotarians joined ​volunteers from running clubs to help put on the event.

Ray said: “The objective of the race from the outset in 2012, the London Olympic ​year, is to encourage participation for all abilities, assist charities, visit our ​district, and promote good health, as well as increase the profile of sport.”

This year’s event raised money for The Sports Trust, The Rainbow Centre, the ​Gurkha Memorial Fund, Folkestone Youth Project, Folkestone Rescue, Touchbase ​care and Kent Rotary clubs for distribution to local causes.


Outside of Kent, this time in North Yorkshire, a charity golf day organised by ​Richmond Rotary Club raised £2,500 for good causes.

Staged at Richmond Golf Club, it was one of the most successful golf ​tournaments the Rotary club has organised with 21 four-strong teams taking ​part.

The money raised will go to a number of charities including Yorkshire Air ​Ambulance, Yorkshire Cancer Research, the Storehouse Foodbank and Garget ​Walker House in Richmond.

In Hampshire, Gosport Rotary Club raised a staggering £12,000 for Prostate ​Cancer UK as part of the William Donnelly Charity Golf Day.

Organised by Rotarian William Donnelly, this was the second year of the fund-​raiser which was held at the Gosport and Stokes Bay Golf Club.

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