All our members are people of action, here are just some of the projects from around Great Britain & Ireland

a large pile of boxes and plants in a barn

Plant life for Loughborough ​Beacon Rotarians

At Loughborough Beacon Rotary Club, engaging with other clubs, local ​businesses and other charity organisations is high on their list of priorities.

One of the Leicestershire club’s key projects each year is a plant sale which raises ​funds for projects. It has been running since the club began 40 years ago.

This year local pharmaceutical giant Kindeva sent ten willing helpers to pack over ​300 orders. 3M did the job in 2023, each as part of their corporate social ​responsibility programme.

In preparation, suitable boxes are donated by our local market traders over the ​previous months, and stored in a redundant lorry trailer offered by a local HGV ​training company.

Plants were purchased in bulk from a nearby nursery and over two days orders ​were assembled in a barn loaned by a local farmer. Using tables borrowed from ​local village halls, members and friends assembled and packed the orders before ​they were delivered orders across the region.

“the project involves a lot of input from ​almost everyone in the club.”

This year, the culmination of the month-long project saw Rotarians and volunteer ​helpers assemble and distribute over 250 orders to the value of nearly £9,000.

After all costs, including the purchase of plants, the surplus amounted to more ​than £2,500 which was added to the club’s charitable funds.

Club member, Michael Charlesworth said that Loughborough Beacon Rotary ​Club has a history of reaching out to the Leicestershire community for help with ​fund-raising and charitable activities.

He said: “It is a very big commitment, but for some regular supporters this is ​something in their gardening year which they look forward to.

“The project involves a lot of input from most of the club, whether distributing ​leaflets, running the shop, collecting boxes, organising the distribution, being ​part of the hive of activity in the barn and, of course, out on the roads delivering ​the orders.

“It is certainly one focussed campaign in the club’s fund generation, which ​reminds us all that effective community engagement needs sleeves rolled up on ​occasions. It’s a lot of fun, and gives a lot of satisfaction.”

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