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Peace and Water ​partnerships lead ​Action Summit ​programme

The Rotary Action Summit heads to Newcastle this November. We take a ​first look at the event programme designed to give you a taste of ​everything Rotary has to offer.

Events where Rotarians come together serve as a wonderful reminder of why ​Rotary is such a powerful organisation.

They offer an opportunity to explore new ideas, to trigger ways to collaborate, ​and make lasting connections.

At the Rotary Action Summit in Newcastle, we’re putting clubs and members ​at the heart of the event. We’re offering you a window to explore the wonderful ​world of Rotary and all it has to offer, while celebrating the achievements of ​clubs and their projects.

Across the Power of Rotary Day (8th November) and Action Summit Weekend ​(9th & 10th November) we’ve got 10 fantastic sessions to inspire you to take ​action with your club and community. Here’s a small taster of three of them.


Having launched in January of this year, the Community Action for Fresh Water is ​the flagship initiative of Rotary’s partnership with United Nations Environment ​Programme (UNEP).

In this session on the environment, you’ll be able to discover more about how ​this initiative is allowing Rotary and Rotaract members to work with their local ​communities and partners to protect, restore, and sustain freshwater ​ecosystems in alignment with the environment area of focus.

Increasing our Impact through Positive Peace

At a time where the world feels more unstable, Rotary’s standing as an advocate ​for peacebuilding and conflict prevention remains as important as ever.

Our partner, the Institute for Economics & Peace, identified the 8 factors that ​work together to create peaceful societies, known as the Pillars of Positive Peace. ​These include good relations with neighbours and equitable distribution of ​resources.

This session will explore what practical steps we can all take to make our ​communities more peaceful and harmonious.


Elsewhere in this Summer edition of Rotary magazine you’ll have read more ​about the membership channels that are helping our organisation grow.

There will be plenty of attention on club impact at the Action Summit, including ​non-traditional club models, cause-based clubs and phoenix clubs, which have ​risen from the ashes of a former or closing club.

We’ll also be looking closely at how Corporate membership at club level offers an ​untapped opportunity to take Rotary back to its roots, while welcoming in a new ​wave of members.

More speakers announced

A range of speakers will help bring the event to life, alongside Rotary leaders ​such as 2025/26 Rotary International (RI) President Mário César Martins de ​Camargo and Rotary Foundation Trustee and past RI President, Holger Knaack.

With peace set to be a key theme of the programme, Professor Fiona Macaulay, ​Director of the Rotary Peace Centre at the University of Bradford has joined our ​speaker line up.

Pr​ofessor Fiona Macaulay, Director of Rotary Peace Centre at University of Bradford.

A member of University of Bradford’s Peace Studies department since 2005, ​Professor Macaulay’s teaching interests include Gender, Conflict and ​Development and Environment, Trafficking and Crime.

The University of Bradford is one of 7 Rotary Peace Centres worldwide which ​have trained more than 1,700 peace fellows from around the globe.

Keep an eye out for even more speakers and programme information over the ​coming months.


For more information about what’s on at the Rotary Action Summit Newcastle, ​including evening entertainment and daytime excursions, and to book your ​tickets, head to the Rotary GB&I website.

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