a group of people standing around a brick well

jannine birtwistle

team lead

specialist adviser team

humanitarian services


Water is indispensable for life, impacting health, education, and economic prosperity.

Rotarians spearhead Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) projects, combatting waterborne diseases and fostering sustainable change. The United Nations, emphasises the inextricable link between water and climate change, with rising temperatures exacerbating scarcity and hazards like floods and droughts. Rotary responds locally and globally, aiding communities facing extreme weather events.

Referring to the 2022 floods UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said “I will never forget the climate-related carnage I saw after apocalyptic flooding submerged a third of Pakistan”. Over 8 million people were displaced, 33 million people affected, half of whom were children, and 5.4 million people had to rely on contaminated water to survive.

This showcased the devastation wrought by climate change. In response, the concept of Smart Villages – was born. Rotary International Director Muhammad Faiz Kidwai, was the project's visionary combining cutting-edge infrastructure with a commitment to sustainable indigenous living and inclusivity paving the way for a holistic approach to modernisation. This initiative aims to revitalise these flood-ravaged communities, offering a blueprint for sustainable development and renewal.

a group of people standing around a large sign reading 'Rotary Smart Villages'

Rotary International President 2024/25, Stephanie Urchick (centre), and Director Muhammad Faiz Kidwai (third right) at a Smart Villages project in Pakistan.

Rotarians from all over Pakistan are enthusiastically implementing the Smart Village Project across twenty locations in the predominately affected region of Sindh. The first two villages proudly represent the Hindu minority community in Pakistan, embodying inclusivity and solidarity in the face of adversity.

The Smart Village Project tailors innovation to local needs, leveraging technology to enhance the quality of life while preserving cultural heritage and natural resources. Solar panels adorn rooftops and fields - providing clean energy to every household. Water conservation systems efficiently manage resources, ensuring sustainable usage for generations to come and sustainability is key throughout with eco-friendly practices, from waste management to agriculture.

“The Smart Village Project tailors innovation to local needs, leveraging technology to enhance the quality of life while preserving cultural heritage.”

Each aspect is carefully designed to build a symbiotic relationship between humans and nature, creating a model of sustainable living that inspires global change.

The Smart Village concept ensures everyone, regardless of background or ability, can thrive in this interconnected community. Accessibility features are integrated into infrastructure, making public spaces and services accessible to all.

Education and healthcare are prioritised with digital technologies bridging gaps and empowering residents with knowledge and wellness. Collaboration between residents, experts and innovators, co-creates solutions addressing unique challenges and aspirations fostering a sense of ownership and pride.

Vocational training centres in these villages equip residents, including girls and women, with a diverse set of skills essential for village life, financial independence and resilience.

Contact Rotarian Jannine Birtwistle if you are interested in supporting Pakistan or adapting the Smart Village concept elsewhere for future generations.

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