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February 23rd was Rotary’s 119th birthday. The day is also called World ​Understanding and Peace Day. It is one of those milestone days in the ​Rotary calendar which provides a perfect platform for Rotary clubs to ​showcase their work to the wider community.

Why February 23rd matters is because on that day in 1905 Paul Harris and three ​friends met in Chicago and discussed how they could help their communities. ​Rotary International was born.

So February every year is a chance to pause, plan and promote Rotary’s ongoing ​goal for goodwill, peace and understanding. Many clubs around the world use ​Rotary Day to start projects and community service activities.

Here are just a selection from across social media.

There are multiple days across the calendar, such as Rotary Day, World Polio Day in October, Volunteers Week in June, and more which present perfect opportunity for clubs to host events and promote to the wider public more about Rotary’s values and what Rotarians get up to.

Clubs could invite the press along, post pictures and details on Facebook, put action pictures on Instagram and talk to local radio stations.

Taking peace as an example, there are so many chances to tell local and national stories about people in Rotary who have contributed toward peace. There is, in fact, an Action Group for Peace which provides a neat tie-in, and you can find their website.

“There are multiple days across the calendar, such as Rotary Day, World Polio Day in October, Volunteers Week in June, which present perfect opportunity for clubs to PROMOTE THEMSELVES.”

Maybe you have talked to a visiting Peace Scholar who has graduated from one of the eight universities offering courses on International Studies in Peace and conflict resolution, sponsored by The Rotary Foundation. A total of 75 students are announced annually. Tell their story.

Invite your Youth Exchange students to give a talk and ask the press along. Make contact with a club in another country and start a Rotary friendship Exchange, encourage support for Polio Plus. These create human interest stories which journalists love.

Invite the Interact or RotaKids groups in your community or schools to start a project on peace, launch a poetry competition around the subject and put it on social media and your Rotary Club’s website.

Maybe you missed out this year, but here are a few ideas to think about for next time.

World Peace and Understanding Day commemorates that first Paul Harris meeting where it was decided that this new group would comprise of men and now women, and plan community projects, share fellowship but not discuss politics or religion.

Peace is needed today more than ever, and the Public Image Specialist Adviser Team can help you and your club’s awareness of Rotary and peace in various ways.

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