In Read All About It, we round up some of our favourite coverage of ​Rotary Clubs in the media and local press.


The iconic ‘Rose Window’ at Inverness Castle, which was originally crafted in ​1867, has been lovingly restored and reassembled thanks to the help of Rotary.

Highlife Highland reported that the Rotary Club of Inverness, and Rotary clubs ​across the Highlands joined forces with the Inverness Common Good Fund in ​providing financial support for the restoration. It will become a focal feature ​within the Inverness Castle Experience when it opens to the public next year.

Colin Munro, President of the Rotary Club of Inverness, told the website: ​“Highland Rotarians were thrilled to be able to set aside a significant sum in the ​centenary year towards the restoration of the Rose Window and involved several ​other clubs across the Highlands. Seeing it all come together, piece by piece, in ​its new home is very exciting.” Watch a short video here of the restoration.

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In an extensive feature, the Bishop’s Stortford Independent explored news that ​Hertfordshire County Council is looking to provide space for repair cafes at its ​recycling centres.

The council already runs five Reuse Shops at recycling centres across the county ​and reports that, as a result, in the past two years, over 1,000 tools have been ​donated to Ware Rotary Club, working in partnership with Tools of Self Reliance. ​These have been sent to the charity’s workshop in Milton Keynes and refurbished ​before being sent overseas. FULL STORY >


BBC News reported how walkers trekked around the iconic Beachy Head ​lighthouse in East Sussex, when the extra low spring tide made it possible.

The annual challenge is organised by Eastbourne AM Rotary Club and was first ​launched in 2013 to raise £30,000 to repaint the lighthouse. Some of the funds ​from this year’s walk will go towards its next repaint. FULL STORY >


In another BBC News story, the broadcaster reported an appeal from ​Northampton Becket Rotary Club for wheelchairs, crutches and walking ​frames for victims of the war in Ukraine.

The club plans to load the equipment onto a second-hand ambulance, which will ​be driven to the Ukrainian border in August, they reported. The club has also ​appealed for warm clothing for all ages with winter just around the corner. FULL ​STORY >


The Argus in Brighton reported how Brighton Rotary Club had helped fund the ​installation of a defibrillator at the Green Insurance Group office building in Old ​London Road. FULL STORY >


While the website Punchline based in Gloucester has published a feature on the ​campaign by Rotary@Kingsholm President, Bernard Dunkley’s campaign to ​install more defibrillators in the area. Bernard told the website that when he took ​over as club President in 2023, he saw that Gloucester was falling very short in ​defibrillator provision nationally.

He said he became aware of the shortfall following the tragic case of Sam ​Polledri, the brother of Gloucester rugby star, Jake, who died in his early 20s ​having had a cardiac arrest in Bristol where there was no life-saving defibrillator ​close by. FULL STORY >


Meanwhile, in Essex, Burnham-on-Sea Rotary Club has brought an extra dash ​of colour to the seafront after donating plants for The Esplanade, according to ​the website



And the Henley Standard reported on Pangbourne Rotary Club’s clean-up ​along the banks for the River Thames in Berkshire. Organiser Les Jones said the ​most unexpected find was a pair of men’s underpants! FULL STORY >


The Irish Independent covered Killarney Rotary Club’s ‘Afternoon Tea & ​Fashion’ fundraiser held as part of the club’s 40th anniversary celebrations which ​raised €4,500 for a number of charities including the Irish Cancer Society’s Night ​Nurses Support as well as the Fuchsia Ward in St Columbanus.

The event, which first began back in 2008 under the stewardship of Ciara Irwin ​Foley, has become a permanent fixture on the Rotary club’s calendar.



In Oxfordshire, the Banbury Guardian reported that Banbury Irish AFC have ​donated their football kits from last season to be used by schoolchildren in Sierra ​Leone, West Africa, for PE lessons.

The football club, which has 13 junior and mini teams, have been working ​alongside Banbury Rotary Club member, Alan Wolstencroft, whose charity has ​been working in the region for a number of years. FULL STORY >


Also in Africa, the Dunfermline Press covered the story of West Fife Rotary ​Club donating 2,000 used spectacles to Africa. The collections began earlier this ​summer, and the glasses are sent to the SpecSort project in York, the newspaper ​reported.

Club member, Douglas Scott said: “This is a fantastic effort from our local ​community. These refurbished spectacles have embarked on a transformative ​voyage to Africa, where they will become invaluable aids to those in need.” FULL ​STORY >


In North Wales, The Leader reported that Flint and Holywell Rotary Club ​would be honouring dedicated GP, who died earlier this year. Dr Gruffydd Jones ​was a long serving Rotary club member and a GP for over 32 years in Holywell.

The club is planning to honour his life with an annual award at Ysgol Treffynnon ​School.For many years, Rotary has sponsored an annual award to a student ​chosen by the school who has made a significant contribution to community life. ​FULL STORY >

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