





I love our many Rotary traditions, especially our emblem: the wheel. Whenever I ​put on my Rotary pin, admire a new club’s logo, or spot the emblem on a ​volunteer’s T-shirt, I am inspired by the possibilities that wheel represents.

Early in Rotary, our predecessors envisioned it as a gear, part of a sturdy ​machine making great things happen. It remains that, and much more. To me, it ​also symbolies cycles and movement on our journey of doing good in the world.

August is Rotary’s Membership and New Club Development Month, and I ​encourage you to think about the cyclical connection between membership and ​The Rotary Foundation.

When we have engaged members in dynamic clubs, The Magic of Rotary ​happens. Members — both new and experienced — deepen their commitment ​to each other and their communities. And that local engagement attracts ​attention and more members.

“When we have engaged members in ​dynamic clubs, The Magic of Rotary ​happens.”

Gradually, the new members realise their club is part of a powerful organisation ​that is making lasting change in the world. They learn about the Foundation, ​support it, and perhaps apply for a grant. They see themselves as part of the ​movement that will eradicate polio.

As our members’ experience deepens, so does their commitment to Rotary at all ​levels. The public sees our impact, making Rotary irresistible. New members join, ​new clubs are formed, and the cycle continues. With each turn of the wheel, we ​grow Rotary and our Foundation.

There are countless ways this magical connection between clubs and our ​Foundation can unfold. For instance, 100% Paul Harris Fellow Clubs, where every ​member is a Paul Harris Fellow, showcase how engaged clubs are directly ​connected to the Foundation. Some clubs even up the ante, like the Rotary Club ​of Crescent (Greensboro), North Carolina, whose 125 members are all Paul ​Harris Fellows, Benefactors, and Sustaining Members simultaneously.

But you do not need to be in such a “triple crown” club to make a difference.

I am asking all Rotary members to remember this month’s goal for what I’m ​calling Mark’s Magical Markers: Please make the personal commitment to ​contribute what you can to the Annual Fund by 31 August. Do it right now, before ​you forget, at While you are there, set up a recurring ​direct donation.

With your help, we can keep that great wheel of Rotary and its Foundation rolling ​in the right direction, moving toward something greater tomorrow than we can ​even imagine today.

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