a group of volunteers stand in a city centre with Rotary banners in the background

jannine birtwistle

team lead

specialist adviser team

humanitarian services

Rotary Day of ​Service

Rotary is a global network of 1.4 million neighbours, friends, leaders and ​problem solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create ​lasting change – across the globe, in our communities and in ourselves.

Rotary service is about working with our communities, leveraging our collective ​talents and skills to amplify the ‘Magic of Rotary’. By doing so, we help to solve ​today’s pressing issues and prepare our communities, their members and Rotary ​itself for the challenges of tomorrow.

One of Rotary’s greatest strengths is our unique ability to connect and engage ​with a diverse array of people and organisations. Ensuring that our service truly ​meets today’s needs will not only help Rotary survive but thrive. Together we ​must ensure that Rotary is consistently seen as the go to organisation for ​networking, volunteering and community involvement.

Past Rotary International President Shekhar Mehta’s theme was “Serve to Change ​Lives” reflects his personal belief that “Service is the rent I pay for the space I ​occupy on this earth, and I want to be a good tenant of this earth.” He ​encouraged us all to hold a Rotary Day of Service and many clubs worldwide did ​just that.

“WE MUST ENSURE that our service truly ​meets today’s needs will not only help ​Rotary survive but thrive.”

With ‘Service’ at the core of Rotary’s mission, Immediate Past District Governor of ​Essex and East Herts David Willis, challenged Rotary in his area to use their ​knowledge of local issues to unite in a Rotary Day of Service on 18th May 2024.

On that day, more than 800 Rotary clubs and 30,000 Rotarians across 7 countries ​volunteered in their communities as part of the Rotary Day of Service.

a group of people working on a shed in the woods

Activities during the Day of Service included renovations to Yarra Farm, a care farm supporting adults ​wi​th disabilities.

The numerous and diverse service activities provided excellent PR opportunities ​before during and after that day. These efforts strengthened existing ​connections and forged new ones further raising Rotary’s profile.

David proudly shared “We did it, our district made Rotary history by becoming ​the first district in this country to hold a Rotary Day of Service. Thirty Rotary ​clubs, half of the district’s total, participated by giving back to their communities ​with activities including

  • Litter Pick and Plastic Blitz around Manningtree, Mistley and Lawford by ​Manningtree Rotary

  • Various litter picks in local areas by Rotary clubs and community volunteers

  • Rotarians from five Colchester clubs and members of the local Ukrainian ​community built a shelter and picnic benches, painted the day centre and ​fences and cleared footpaths at Yarra Farm, a care farm supporting adults ​with disabilities

  • 20 of the 30 volunteers helping with the Southend Pier Walk were Rotarians

  • Over 100 volunteers from six Rotary clubs helped with the Baddow Run

  • Southend City Rotary organised an afternoon tea for the Ukrainian ​community

  • Brightlingsea & District Rotarians collected bicycles for recycling

  • South Woodham Ferrers Rotary spent two days at Asda and received 14 ​trolley loads of food donations for their local Foodbank”

“We become the first district in this ​country to host a rotary day of service, ​with half of our clubs taking part.”

a group of people standing in a supermarket with trolleys full of food

Th​e Day of Service generated 14 trolleys of food to be donated to the local food bank.

You can see why we were delighted to play our part as 800+ Rotary clubs and ​30,000 Rotarians across seven countries taking part in the 2024 Rotary Day of ​Service.”

There is no better way to advertise Rotary than making a positive difference with ​our communities through our service. Interested in getting involved in 2025? ​Start planning now for Saturday 17th May 2025.

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