a woman stands in front of a workbench with balls of string and pieces of fabric

What has The ​Rotary Foundation ​done for me?

story by: Howard Caskie AND Tom Hunt

Let’s eavesdrop on a conversation between Rotarians Mr Monty Grey & Ms ​Python Brown. Does it ring any bells?

What? How much? US$100! What’s that in real money? £79! What? £79 from ​every member? Let me get this straight: they’re asking for £79 from each club ​member? Every year? Do they think we’re made of money? £79! For what, ​exactly? What has the Rotary Foundation ever done for us? Just tell me that! ​Nothing, I say!

Yes, Monty, you’re so right. Nothing! Apart, of course, from being a world ​leader in polio eradication and contributing over US$147m and thousands ​of volunteer hours to the programme, last year alone.

OK! Python - but, apart from polio eradication, what has the Rotary Foundation ​ever done for us?

Nothing at all! ... If you don’t count the US$55m allocated in Global Grants ​to help fund large projects that tackle disease, provide clean drinking ​water, support education, save mothers and children, promote peace and ​help grow local economies.

OK! OK! So, apart from polio eradication and Global Grants, what has the ​Rotary Foundation ever done for us?

Nothing! ... If we forget the US$26m awarded in district grants to help clubs ​finance small local humanitarian projects.

OK, OK, OK! So, apart from polio eradication, Global Grants and District Grants, ​what has the Rotary Foundation ever done for us?

Absolutely nothing! ... Apart, that is, from allocating US$5m, last year, to ​fund Rotary Peace Centres and awarding 130 Peace Fellowships?

OK, OK, OK, OK! Apart from polio eradication, global grants, district grants and ​Rotary Peace Centres, what has the Rotary Foundation ever done for us?

Nothing! Zip! ... Although I do seem to remember hearing something about ​US$15m awarded in Disaster Response Grants to support relief and ​recovery efforts in areas affected by natural disasters.

OK, OK, OK, OK, OK. So, apart from polio eradication, Global Grants, District ​Grants, Rotary Peace Centres and Disaster Response Grants, what has the ​Rotary Foundation ever done for us?

Nothing! ... Aside, of course, from the US$2m allocated, each year, to ​Programmes of Scale Grants which fund large-scale projects and benefit ​large numbers of people.

OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK! So, apart from polio eradication, Global Grants, District ​Grants, Rotary Peace Centres, Disaster Response Grants and Programmes of ​Scale, what has the Rotary Foundation ever done for us?

You know, Monty, when you put it like that, you’re dead right! Apart from ​those things I mentioned, the Rotary Foundation has done nothing for us! ​They’ve got a hell of a nerve asking us for 22p per day! And giving us ​nothing in return! 22p per day! From us! They really do think we’re made of ​money! The **bleeps**!

The Rotary Foundation is Rotary’s own charity and Rotary’s only charity.

Like all charities, it requires input of cash if it is to fulfil its mission. In the case of ​The Rotary Foundation that mission is to help Rotary members to advance world ​understanding, goodwill, and peace by improving health, providing quality ​education, improving the environment, and alleviating poverty.

So, just for the record, exactly how much is The Rotary Foundation asking each of ​us to contribute this current Rotary year?

It’s $100 or £79 per person to the Annual Fund. This can be achieved in different ​ways:

  • By personal donation via Sustaining Membership: £6 per month + tax relief ​(tax relief re-claimed by The Rotary Foundation (UK))
  • By direct donation from club funds
  • A combination of both

It’s also $55 or £44 per person, or $1,500 per club (£1,185) to the PolioPlus Fund

This, too, can be achieved in different ways:

  • By personal donation via PolioPlus Society Membership: £6 per month + tax ​relief (tax relief re-claimed by The Rotary Foundation (UK))
  • By direct donation from club funds
  • A combination of both

And that’s it, nothing more!

Whilst we did amazingly well in our giving to the Annual Fund last year, I’m afraid ​it was at the expense of support for PolioPlus.

Please, keep support for BOTH Funds high on your agenda this year. You know it ​makes sense!

Any questions? – Please contact Tom Hunt – Endowment & Major Gift Advisor via email or call 07860 525831.

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