Two Rotarians pose for a selfie with a Rotary sign reading #PeopleOfAction

phil dyer

team lead

specialist adviser team

public image

Telling Rotary’s ​story in South ​Africa

Earlier this year, I was honoured to be asked by Rotary International Presi​dent, Gordon McInally, to represent him at a district confer​en​ce.

This assignment is usually reserved for Past District Governors, but due​ to a recent policy change and a request from the host district for an expert in R​otary Public Image, I was invited to attend District 9350's DisCon 2024 in South Af​rica. The conference was held in Mossel Bay in the Western Cape, located ab​out a five-hour drive east of Cape ​T​own.

When I received the email, I was absolutely stunned. I felt a mix of p​ride, excitement, and nerves, but I was keen and ready for the challenge, so I ea​gerly accepted the invita​t​ion.

After the usual approvals and travel arrangements were made with R​otary International Travel Service, I was booked in. We then had several Zoom pla​nning meetings with the team in District 9350, which were invaluable and​ good-humoured. It was great to meet the D9350 leadership team and plan the e​vent, focusing on making it all about their district and ensuring it would ​be as enjoyable as poss​ible.

a person in a suit holding a South Africa flag

The flights were supposed to be straightforward, but I landed in Dubai during the ​biggest rainstorm in 40 years. Apparently landing in 18 inches of water, it was ​fortunate that we couldn't see much from the plane windows. There was even a ​river of water running down the airbridge walkway as we disembarked.

What was supposed to be a four-hour layover turned into 12 hours, with an ​additional five hours on the plane before we finally set off for Johannesburg. ​Unsurprisingly, I missed the connecting flight and had to spend the night in ​Johannesburg.

The following morning, I had an early start and continued on to George, where I ​met District Governor Ann Wright and Past District Governor Carl-Heinz ​Duisberg, who was my aide for the trip.

From that point on, the trip went smoothly, and Ann and Carl made my stay ​fabulous!

As a Rotary International President's Representative, I had several tasks to ​perform. Firstly, I conveyed the President's message, which this year was ​Gordon’s "Create Hope in the World."

Secondly, District Governor Ann Wright had requested that I conduct a Public ​Image session, including branding and storytelling. This was right in my comfort ​zone.

“When I received the email, I was absolutely ​stunned. I felt a mix of pride, excitement, ​and nerves, but I was keen and ready for ​the challenge, so I eagerly accepted the ​invitation.”

Unusually, I also led an auditorium-wide workshop on storytelling during the ​conference, using a simple yet effective technique: the beginning, the middle, ​and the end. The workshop was well-received, and the feedback was impressive.

Finally, I addressed the conference with an after-dinner speech, covering the ​President's Message, the importance of The Rotary Foundation, and the general ​success of the conference. Of course, I included a few Yorkshire stories as well.

A map of southern Africa including Angola, Namibia, Botswana and South Africa

District 9350 makes Rotary in Great Britain & Ireland look tiny by geographic ​comparison, covering three countries: the Northern and Western Capes of South ​Africa, Namibia, and Angola.

With approximately 1,150 Rotarians and 58 Rotary Clubs, along with an ​impressive 19 Rotaract Clubs, 102 Interact Clubs, and 46 Earlyact Clubs, the ​longest journey the District Governor needs to make is around 3,798 km from ​the most southerly club to the most northerly!

District 9350 is vibrant, active, caring, and forward-thinking. The continuity team ​is fabulous and works together seamlessly. The handshake between the ​governors was impressive, and I was thrilled to be invited to represent the ​International President, especially with Gordon at the helm this year. I was ​humbled to see the spectacular work being undertaken in this part of the world. ​It truly highlighted the global reach and impact of our organisation.

PS: Internationally, the term Rotary International President's Representative ​(RIPR) is used, though less so here in Rotary Great Britain and Ireland.

So, I was the Yorkshire RIPR, and apparently not the first. Past Rotary ​International Director and Past Rotary Great Britain & Ireland President, Alan ​Jagger, was the first Yorkshire RIPR several years ago! I followed in great ​footsteps.

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