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Take the first step ​by becoming a ​Sustaining Member




My current role is as the Endowment and Major Gift Advisor on behalf of ​The Rotary Foundation for all of Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland. That ​involves meeting and chatting to any Rotarian who would like to make a ​substantial donation to our one and only charity.

This can be lump sum, payments over several years or as a bequest in a will or ​estate plan.

However, what I wish to do in this article is ask you to take the first step and ​become a Sustaining Member. The first step is always the hardest, but it is the ​start of a very satisfying journey.

Let me take you back to 1917 when the then President of Rotary International, ​Arch C Klumph, took the first step in creating what we now know as The Rotary ​Foundation.

He had a vision of creating a fund for ‘Doing Good in the World’ and the Rotary ​Club of Kansas City took their first step by being the first club to donate to this ​embryonic fund. That donation of $26.50 has now grown to $1.6 billion in actual ​money in the bank and pledges. Rotary has invested over $4 billion in thousands ​of projects that have changed lives, improved lives and saved lives.

An old headshot of Arch C Klumph, President of Rotary International in 1917, wearing a suit.

Arch C Klumph,​ President of Rotary International in 1917.

We need to be able to continue to ‘Do Good in the World’ and we can only do ​that by receiving a continuous flow of donations.

I recognise that the majority of Rotarians are not able to make large donations ​but I truly believe that same majority are able to make a regular small donation ​either monthly, quarterly or annually.

For just £8.33 a month (based on an exchange rate of $1.20) you can become a ​Sustaining Member.

If you are a UK taxpayer, we can claim Gift Aid, meaning this drops to £6.25 a ​month.

Forgo buying one cup of coffee a week and donate this and you will become a ​Sustaining Member.

“With this money we can continue to make a ​difference to the lives of so many people ​around the world.”

Once you have taken this first step, I believe you will take ownership of your investment which will lead to you learning more and more about our charity which in turn may lead you to decide you wish to increase donation and become a member of the Paul Harris Society, which in time will mean you will become a Major Donor.

Just imagine all the good we can do if every Rotarian in Rotary GB&I became a Sustaining Member. Just think of the amount of DDF (District Designated Funds) that would be coming back each year to your district to support your District and Global Grants.

With this money we can continue to make a difference to the lives of so many people around the world.

Please make our charity – The Rotary Foundation – your charity of choice and become a Sustaining Member today.

If you would like to discuss this or any aspect of our charity please call me on 07860 525831 or contact me by email:

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