

eve conway

ri director 2023-25


I always say that being part of Rotary is the best decision that I ever made. It has completely changed my life for the better.

Through Rotary, I was an Ambassadorial Scholar. Through Rotary I went to India to immunise children against polio. Through Rotary I was able to stop mothers and babies dying in childbirth with a Vocational Training Team project I was involved in starting in India with a grant from The Rotary Foundation. Through Rotary I started the Rotary Young Citizen Awards recognising positive young role models.

I even met my wonderful husband Robert Ghazi through Rotary who sadly passed away just before Christmas after suffering strokes, but the Rotary family here and globally has wrapped its arms around me and helped pull me through.

It has been a heartbreaking experience, but the sympathy and support from Rotarians and Rotaractors has been a great comfort at this very difficult time.


And we are a Rotary family, a global network of community volunteers helping those in need and making the world a better place. We need to focus on that because we need to make sure that we have a healthy future because what Rotary achieves is incredible – and Rotary is needed now if not more than ever!

Our Vision statement says: “Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.”

Rotary transforms and saves lives, and, in the process, also changes our own and we need to ensure that our wonderful organisation has a legacy. And we need to do all we can to “Grow Rotary” for the future.

Rotary transforms and saves lives, and, in the process, also changes our own and we need to ensure that our wonderful organisation has a legacy. And we need to do all we can to “Grow Rotary” for the future.

I took a trip down memory lane last month when I returned to Evanston, Illinois, to attend Rotary International Board meetings as RI Director at our global headquarters and visited the nearby Northwestern University where I was a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar.

a large body of water with large university buildings in the background

Northwestern University in Evanston, Chicago

I studied for a Master of Science degree in Broadcast Journalism. I still don’t know where the science comes into journalism! This degree enabled me to go from working in newspapers into broadcasting, TV and radio, including 20 years at BBC News, and helped progress my career.

But it took a while before I was invited to join Rotary. The club that sponsored me was a male only club and it wasn’t until several years later when I went to the GP suffering with flu symptoms and the locum doctor, who was a Rotarian, somehow managed to find out that I had been a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar and invited me to speak at his club that I was launched onto the speaking circuit in Rotary in London and was eventually invited to join Redbridge Rotary Club.

“There are so many alumni like me who are grateful for the fantastic opportunities Rotary has given us.”

There are so many of our alumni like me who are grateful for the fantastic opportunities that Rotary has given us and we need to make sure that we foster and keep in touch with them - as potential Rotaractors and Rotarians of the future.

This means keeping in touch with those who go through our youth programmes and competitions including Interact, Youth Exchange, RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) as well as Rotary Scholars, Rotary Peace Fellows, Vocational Training Teams, Group Study Exchange, etc. That is why the Rotary Young Citizen Awards Alumni Rotaract e-Club has been started.

When I was a Rotary Scholar, I would never have imagined that I would one day become a Rotary International Director and I am immensely honoured to be in this role. It is wonderful to be able to give back for the amazing opportunities that Rotary has given me.

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