paper collage showing colourful fish underwater
Black Gradient Shadow


story by: MAX THORNE

May is Rotary's International youth service month. Here is a sample of some of the youth activities taking place in Great Britain and Ireland.

Young people have a unique way of responding to issues that matter and this is in keen focus during Rotary’s International youth service month, and beyond.

There are so many examples of project initiatives, proactive participation and outstanding contributions, there is never a shortage of inspiring examples. In this article, two projects are highlighted to show how wide the scope of Youth Service Month projects can be.

The first is a close to home project initiated by a recently formed Interact Club at the Belper School & Sixth Form Centre in Derbyshire. The school’s aim is to be ‘a place where students can be be who they are and become who they aspire to be’. This included a new initiative to set up an Interact Club.

Initially, 12 students from Years 7 to 11 (ages 12 to 18) joined, supported by Belper & Duffield Rotary’s own Dave Ashley, in conjunction with school staff members Emma Fitzgerald and assistant head teacher Robert Turner.

In no time, the students had arranged their first litter pick in the public spaces around their school and nearby leisure centre, collecting an impressive haul of eight large bags filled with rubbish. This initial project marked the start of the students’ proactive, energetic approach. With this success marking the start of project plans that benefitted others, the next goal was particularly sweet - a bake sale. Not just to give fellow students a tasty treat in the dismal days of March but to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

Interact Members organised the whole project from the initial planning to ‘on the day’ selling. They also persuaded several teachers to bake cakes so there was plenty to sell to the very keen customers.

“Whilst the Interact Club is supported by school staff, they come up with their own ideas then sit down to work out how to make them happen.”

As Emma said: “The students in the Interact Club have again shown how much they care for the wider community. They did all the work themselves, from organising the event, producing and distributing posters, baking cakes, preparing the stall and then the actual selling.

“The school is extremely proud of them and looks forward to seeing what they will be doing next. Whilst the Interact Club is supported by school staff, they come up with their own ideas then sit down to work out how to make them happen.”

The Interact Club members did all this so that money could be raised during just two lunch breaks, on March 21 and 22. In those two small windows of fundraising opportunity, they raised £193!

The Belper School Interact Club has already been formally recognised with a Certificate of Membership which was presented to local Interact Chairman, Harry Smith, by the President of Belper & Duffield Rotary Club, Diane Smiles. Each of the school’s Interact Club also received a personal Certificate of Rotary membership.

At the presentation Diane Smiles praised the new group, saying: “Many congratulations on becoming members of Rotary International, joining the worldwide fellowship of volunteers. Please keep on organising events as you have already done.”

The second featured project involving the imagination and talent of youngsters literally took a world view. This time through creative artwork on the theme of pollution of our waters and its impact on wildlife in our seas. This time, the artists were of primary school ages.

several colorful cards with pictures of fish are displayed on a table

Young people were challenged to create artwork around the theme of water pollution and wildlife.

Creative campaigners, primary schools and community groups across Coventry were challenged to creat artwork based on fish, fish-scapes and fish depictions, for a high-profile art exhibition which would mark the culmination of a wider Coventry-based environmental awareness project.

The umbrella project was the tenth annual initiative organised by Heart of England Environment Officer Gabrielle Back, who is also District Assistant Governor. This wide-ranging programme of activities, seminars and partnerships aimed to educate and raise awareness of the pollution issues which are getting headlines around the world. The Climate Change and Oceans Project Exhibition was originated and hosted by Coventry Rotary Phoenix Club.

Pupils from the 12 primary schools designed and created colourful, thought-provoking paintings which took pride of place at the exhibition. This was also part of a competition and an amazing representation of how children in their primary school years saw the issue. The vibrancy, representation and creativity really put across the vital message loud and clear.

“This is a very creative way of addressing our Eco issues and bringing them to the forefront.”

Gabrielle Back said: “This is a very creative way of addressing our Eco issues and bringing them to the forefront. It develops participants’ skills, encourages community spirit and fellowship through working together”.

The winning artwork was created by junior pupils at the Baginton Fields Special School, with Cannon Park Primary School receiving a Highly Commended award. Every young artist who took part receive a well-deserved certificate.

There are countless other amazing projects being run across Great Britain and Ireland during Youth Service Month and throughout the year. These are two which capture the essence of Youth Action Month in action.

What is particularly admirable is the width of the age groups and the breadth of the projects involved which our young people take on either in small groups or as part of larger initiatives. It also goes to show that people of all ages, throughout their years, can have a great time being part of the Rotary family.

Especially when cake and a better environment is part of the fun approach to making a difference, what could be better?

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